The Summit Soapbox

- Welcome to the Summit Soapbox

Bite-Size Learning with Scott and Dirk.


Feel free to jump in and enjoy the bite-size learning on this page.

Subjects covered include, leadership, people management, Emotional Intelligence, influencing, self awareness and much more.

Why not share the link to this Soapbox with your colleagues? They might just enjoy learning too.

Best wishes

Scott Watson

Learn the fast, easy and effective way to delegate with minimal risk.

Delegation - How To, When To, Why To

Without clear objectives the best you can do is guess. That's dangerous!

The Value of Clear Objectives

A little structure, planning and consistency can make remote working life easier.

10 Ways To Manage Remote Teams More Successfully

Good intentions can call flat when promotions is based on flawed decisions.

How And Why Are Most Managers Promoted?

The Power and Value of Double Bind Questions

Questions That Promote Commitment

How to use Emotional Intelligence language patterns to initiate a healthy dialogue.

Performance Management Discussion

Avoiding issues later can be easily done by planning effectively at the outset.

Emotional Intelligence - how to promote planning

Grab a pen and notepad and enjoy this self awareness raising activity.

A Week full of emotions -self awareness activity

Resilience is more than 'bouncing back' from setbacks.

How To Develop Your emotional resilience

The value of setting high expectations and progressing to achieve them.

setting high expectations

Did you know how esasy it is to catch emotions from those around you?

Catching Emotions - Low Self Awareness

10 proven and pratical ways to boost employee engagement in your organisation.

How To boost employee engagement in your team


it all starts with a chat.

When will be good for you?

Consistent winning without setbacks can be a curse rather than a blessing.

Why Smart People Fail
