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How to Choose an Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Due to the growing popularity of Emotional Intelligence assessments for use in executive coaching, management development projects and team building programmes, the marketplace has become flooded with a multitude of Emotional Intelligence assessments. Each assessment has its own unique features and benefits; some imaginary and some real. Never has the term 'Buyer Beware' been so appropriate.

Just knowing where to start when selecting an Emotional Intelligence assessment or psychometric tool can be an absolute minefield. An increasing number of companies are all promoting and selling their own versions of Emotional Intelligence assessment.

Following our extensive research of a variety of seemingly credible Emotional Intelligence assessments, our preferred assessment tool of choice is the EQ-i 2.0 licensed by Canadian publisher MHS (Multi-Health Systems).

So, why the EQ-i 2.0?

  • It remains the world’s only scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence assessment for the world of commerce and industry.

  • The report which is produced following the completion of the online questionnaire is NOT a reflection of personality, but rather a snapshot of EQ competencies which can be quickly interpreted (by an accredited EQ-i facilitator) and immediately put to good use with the trusting (and often, paying, client).

The report provides a vast array of information for the accredited facilitator to interrogate. This includes, but isn’t restricted to:-

  • The time taken for the participant to complete the online questionnaire.

  • Whether the individual completing the assessment was focused, indecisive or interrupted when completing the online assessment.

  • Inconsistencies in the answers provided by the participant. As the same questions are asked more than once but presented differently, the EQ-i 2.0 assessment establishes and records any inconsistencies in the answers provided. It may identify that the individual has an overly optimistic view of their EQ competencies, or an overly pessimistic view. Either way, having this information to hand provides the EI facilitator with information which can add value to the feedback session with the participant.

  • Helpful tips on how to balance specific EQ competencies so that the participant can boost their personal effectiveness.

It is not uncommon for participants to have imbalances within their EQ-i 2.0 assessment scores. The fact that the individual has scored high on one or more specific EQ competencies does not automatically qualify them to believe or claim that they have a High EQ.

For example, a combination of high assertiveness and low impulse control can become a major issue for a manager if these competencies are imbalanced. High empathy and low emotional expression can also become problematic if not balanced out through personal coaching and ongoing participant effort.


Whichever Emotional Intelligence assessment you choose, please consider:-

  • What is your desired outcome from completing an Emotional Intelligence assessment?

  • What values do you hope to gain from undertaking an Emotional Intelligence assessment?

  • Is the Emotional Intelligence assessment you are steering towards the best choice for your circumstances and goals?

  • What reputation and credibility does the provider have in the Emotional Intelligence arena?

  • Are you completely committed to developing your Emotional Intelligence capability following your Emotional Intelligence assessment and feedback session?

About The Author

Scott Watson is an acknowledged authority in developing emotionally intelligent managers and teams. More than 20,000 existing and aspiring managers across the globe have enjoyed and benefited from Scott’s Emotional Intelligence training courses, Executive Coaching and Emotional Intelligence Coaching.

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