- Knowledge Centre

Management Reporting - As Easy As ABC

Effective Management Reporting is an absolutely vital activity. For an organisation, department and team to operate successfully, the importance of reporting the right information at the right time cannot be overstated.

Reporting can though become cumbersome, even boring for the individual reporting as well as their audience.

This ABC Reporting approach was developed 20+ years ago when I began to feel overwhelmed by the many different preferred approaches by my team members.

The ABC approach is simple, value focused and enjoyable to present and to listen to.

Every management training course Summit delivers includes this easy to overlook, but very easy to use template. Why not share it with your colleagues so you can all benefit too?

For immersive leadership training courses, management training courses and emotional intelligence training courses, why not get in touch here?

The facilitation of the leadership training programme was superb
B Al-Azem
 - Head of Human Resources, DHL