Management Training courses in Maidenhead

For management training in Maidenhead get in touch
- Management Training Courses in Maidenhead.

Why management training with Summit?

Summit's range of management training courses in Maidenhead, Team Building Courses and Unconscious Bias training courses focus on helping your organisation address specific challenges with time-tested, proven solutions.

Each training course is involving, immersive and enjoyable, participants learn by doing. The expert Summit facilitator creates a collaborative learning environment which positively challenges learners to try on new ways of thinking, communicating and managing.

Take a look at our most popular management training courses. Emotional Intelligence for Managers training, Managing Remote Teams training or Coaching Skills for Managers , Appraisal Skills Training and People Management Essentials.

Why not get in touch for a chat?

- Management Training Courses in Maidenhead.

Management Training venues near Maidenhead

Summit’s management training and unconscious bias training courses in Maidenhead can be held at your offices, space permitting.

If you prefer an off-site venue our preferred training venue is the Park Inn hotel, which is located at Heathrow Airport. Other venues closer to your office are available.

Please let us know your preference when you get in touch.

Bath Road (Building A), West Drayton, Heathrow, LondonUB7 0DU,

it all starts with a chat.

When will be good for you?